
National History

alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1989, and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7, 1990. The fourteen founding mothers: Betty Chu, Karin Co, Susan Kim, Nancy Lee, Sherri Leung, Annie Loo, Belinda Ma, Anita Ng, Serene Ngin, Fannie Pon, Josie Sun, Daisy Wu, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership.


Chapter History

In the Spring of 2000, Maves Ranola and Rizcion Dagani ambitiously worked to establish an Asian-American Interest Sorority on the campus of The Florida State University. They felt that FSU, with its growing Asian population, needed an organization that promoted scholarshipleadershiptimeless sisterhoodcommunity service and Asian Awareness.  

The first step was to establish P.A.A.W.S.--An Asian-American Women's Organization. As P.A.A.W.S., this group of determined women, under the guidance of our beloved Momma Maves, set a foundation that promoted Asian awareness on campus and in the Tallahassee community. In the Fall of 2000, P.A.A.W.S. was recognized by the Multi-Cultural Council of Greek Organizations at the Florida State University.  

On February 19 2001, eleven women --Rizcion DaganiDiane DossaRuby EstoyClarissa IgnacioChantal LieGillian LieDiana NgyuenCynthia SamarJessica ShultzVictoria VanWycke, and Leslie Zabala-- became the Florida State University αΚΔΦ Charter Class. On April 21, 2001, FSU became the newest αΚΔΦ colony -- the 30th chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi, Inc. Each of the young women pledged to work hard to break stereotypes, build bonds with other Greek organizations, and to pass on the teachings and values of the sorority.


The FSU aKDPhi Charter Class would like to recognize the following organizations and individuals for their endless support of our chapter during its establishment. Thank you.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi

Maia Mendoza, President (2000-2001)
Irene Chin, Expansion Chair (1999-2000)
Vicki Lam, Expansion Chair (2000-2001)

Eta Chapter - University of Texas at Austin
Iota Chapter - University of Houston
Delta Chapter - University of California, Santa Cruz

The Florida State University / Tallahassee Community

P.A.A.W.S. Asian-American Women’s Organization
Maves Ranola, Michelle Dingcong

Asian Student Union
Emi Watanabe, Director (2000-2002)

Big Bend Filipino-American Association
Aurora Hansen, President (2000-2002)

El Centro - Hispanic Student Center
Eva Asher, Director

Filipino Student Association
Executive Council (2000-2001)

International Student Center
Mafe Brooks, Program Director

Office of Greek Life

Organization & Leadership Services

Multicultural Council of Greek Organizations
Gil Cancel, President (2000-2001)
Arlene Borenstein, President (2001-2002)

Delta Phi Delta Multicultural Fraternity - Alpha Chapter
Jonathan Bartolome, Kyle Kjerulff, Erik Sellas

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. - Rho Alpha Chapter
David Aviles, Shawn Fernandes, Quay Hu

Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. - Iota Alpha Chapter