2024 National Convention Recap

Congratulations to our Professional Development Chair, Gillian Lie, on being honored as the 2024 Phoenix Medal Recipient.

Congratulations to Trinity Nguyen for receiving the aKDPhi Foundation Fellow award as well as McKasie Le receiving her Leadership Development Award as a Convention Logistics intern!

We also received Chapter Alumnae Association of the Year and Top Breast Cancer Awareness Alumnae Donation!

We are also happy and thrilled to announce and reintroduce ourselves as THE Phenomenal Phi chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority Inc.!

2022 National Convention Recap

Congratulations to our very own CAA Chapter Alumnae Advisor, Rizcion Dagani, on being honored as the 2022 Phoenix Medal Recipient.


2021 National Convention Recap

Congratulations to our Chapter Alumnae Chair Kaia Stevenson and Alumna Nikita Tripathy on being awarded the Aprileen Coh Scholarship! Also congratulations toour very own CAA Chapter Alumnae Advisor, Rizcion Dagani, on being named Alumnae Advisor of the Year.


aKDPhi Stands in Solidarity with the AAPI Community Against Violence

March 16, 2021

Over the past months we have seen a rise in anti-Asian racism and hate crimes in our communities. We recognize that many of our sisters and the greater Asian community are experiencing grief, discomfort, and anger at these events and at the continuing lack of coverage in the news.

On behalf of the International Leadership Board, we want to be clear that alpha Kappa Delta Phi condemns all acts of racism in our community and stands in solidarity with one another. We see you and are here for you. 

We are cognizant that even in a time of processing our own feelings, thoughts, and trauma; we are still expected to think of others first under the narrative of the ‘model minority myth.’ We encourage everyone to center your needs and share with people who can help protect your peace. 

What we're facing is also a nuanced conversation— as we process our own experiences, we also denounce any anti-blackness that surfaces from decades of historical wounds. We stand committed to healing together and promoting psychological safety, respect, dignity, and justice.

If you are in a place to join in the work against violence in the AAPI community, we encourage you to utilize and share the following resources:

Act Now and Report Hate Crimes


Learn and Donate

To contact alpha Kappa Delta Phi, please email


aKDPhi Calls for Solidarity Against Anti-Black Racism

The alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. and the alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Foundation condemn anti-Black racism and violence.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi stands with the National APIDA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) in solidarity and to mobilize to speak out against anti-Black racism and violence. We embrace our diverse membership, including those who identify as Black, who share our mission, values, and sense of community. We condemn any acts or sentiments of racism, hate, bigotry, or violence. 

As an Asian-Interest sorority that promotes Asian awareness, we understand that we must not be passive bystanders when witnessing racist actions or police brutality against People of Color (POC). We encourage members of our organization and communities to be agents of change by speaking up and educating others to stand up against racism. This can be done by understanding one’s own cultural history, the experience of minority communities, and our intersectionality. By doing so we educate ourselves and can un-learn internalized prejudices instilled from centuries of colonialism or hardships due to systemic and institutionalized racism. The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA) stated, “We cannot ask the Black community to fight anti-Asian racism if we are not willing to fight for them. Only together can we make progress against racism and the oppression of minorities. 

Please see below list of resources for being agents of change. 

Resources in speaking up:

Resources in educating others:

To contact alpha Kappa Delta Phi, please e-mail



Chapter Statement

The Florida State University Associate Chapter Alumnae Association stands in solidarity against anti-Black racism.


2020 National Convention Recap

Scroll through as we celebrate our chapter’s achievements for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Huge congratulations to our CAA for winning Chapter Alumnae Association of the Year! Also, Congratulations to our very own CAA President, Melissa Gasmen, on attaining the Phoenix Medal Recipient and our CAA Advisor, Rizcion Dagani, on attaining the Chapter Legacy Award.



convention 2020

It’s that time of the year again! National Convention 2020 is being hosted at Reno Tahoe, Nevada celebrating our 30th year as an organization. Early registration is now available! Please check your registered e-mails to find out more information.
